Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Howdy folks.  Really getting excited, Fall is really setting in, that means it's almost time to get to work on this Bio-Diesel Subaru.  I can't wait to have turbo-diesel power.  But, one of the things i was excited for in this whole project is being able to make my own race fuel.  Since i'm already making my bio-diesel, what can i do to improve it's performance?  Well, there are some differences in diesel, like Cetane rating instead of Octane.  Because the ignition source for diesel is compression, it's important to know how long it takes for the fuel to ignite from the time it enters the high heat compressed air in the chamber.  The higher the cetane rating the sooner this ignition occurs after being injected.  Where Octane is the fuels ability to resist compression ignition.  Normal diesel fuel is around 45, almost all man-made diesels are around 50-55 whether bio-diesel or synthetic diesel.  So, performance diesel should be at least 55 i think.  And the next major factor is Viscosity.  Small changes in viscosity can really change how quickly that fuel enters and spreads in a combustion chamber, and viscosity is also going to change with temp, so a fuel resistant to fuel is also going to be a big plus.  So, the fuel should be super thin and stay that way even in cold temps.  The last issue to improve performance is to remove ALL traces of perephin wax and any other wax stuff.  So, i'm going to get to work on that and let ya know what i come up with. 

I also am going to produce and store some of this Bio-diesel i'm making and i'm going to raffle off some full tanks of fuel to help pay for the engine and transmission for this swap.  It'll be a good money maker i think.  We all want a tank of fuel, right?  Ok, and here is some awesome entertainment.

it's not bio-diesel BUT it could've been and it's WAY cool. got plenty of records of it's own.

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