Sunday, June 17, 2012

Building and racing the most unique, high-performance vehicles has always been a dream.  Every car, well, every anything i've ever owned, i've been inspired to improve it.  Cars, Trucks, 4 wheel drive, all-wheel-drive, front-wheel drive, rear-wheel drive, or just has wings...i don't care, i want to make it better, faster, more stable, fly longer, be submersible or float.  If it isn't supposed to do that, i will see how it could be done.  If it already does that, i will figure out how it can do "that" better.  It's not just a passion, it's my gift, but only in the last few years have I really looked at bigger problems. As humans, we seem to be great at producing cool stuff, and not so great about the "where do we put it?" question.  But boy does it create an opportunity for improvement, right?  What about a vehicle that was not only super high-performance and environmentally friendly, while running on sustainable fuels, but it keeps cars on the road and shows others how to do the same.  This is a world-wide, revolution in automotive lifestyle and habit.  Now buying a new car isn't a drain on the planet, but actually helping protect and save it.  This is dream worthy.  This is my dream.

My dream is to not just build this one car, but to start with this one car.  One car to inspire a community, and then a country, and eventually the planet.  After one car, show everyone where they can buy one, or build their own even.  My dream is to motivate people so deep down that it spreads across our great nation.  I'm going to build the Subaru that sets the par for not only what Subaru's should be, but what we as consumers should expect out of an automobile.

If we don't expect 60mpg, 300 horsepower with traction and sexy looks, running on fryer grease, why shouldn't we deserve to have that?  That's what i expect, i have the capability to do it, and i want to show you it's ok for you to expect that as well. Not only show you, but give you an option to buy one!

The next step is to find a financial supporter.  I'm still out there looking.  I will find the right person, business or group.  It's just a matter of time.  I've been calling and emailing, sending out forms, talking to people, i'm getting it out there, and the Universe will reward those efforts, i'm confident.  My dreams are becoming a reality and yours can too!

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