Saturday, June 30, 2012

My attention never seems to leave this Bio-diesel Subaru.  It's all i'm thinkin' about all the time and it's been awhile since i've taken a step back, but this whole project, the goal even, has grown much bigger than what it started out to be.  At first i just wanted to have a badass Subaru, unlike anyone else, and really the way i thought Subaru should've produced it in the first place.  Now it's been two years since the idea and i'm still diggin', tryin' to get this thing together, but it's SO much more now.  I have a clear plan of action, a specific method for making huge change in the world.  Now we're not talking about 1 cool vehicle being produced, but shifting the way people buy cars in the world.  Very cool.  I have a clear image and i'm gonna stick to it until i get there.  It's been exciting lately, talking to lots of businesses and people and applying for grants and all kinds of cool stuff.  Soon i'll have my shop and start bringing new fuel options to the world.  I was just reflecting a bit and thought i'd share.  Have a great weekend, we'll hit it again monday!

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